Growing food can be challenging in urban areas and places where yard space is limited. Here are ideas to start container gardens. View a 15-minute instructional video on how to setup.
From Interprovincial Immigration Advocacy Subcommittee:
View this 8-minute video about farmers’ dependence upon farm workers.
Tell members of Congress to pass immigration reform for our farm workers and other essential workers.
From the Interprovincial Homelessness and Insecure Housing Subcommittee:
Fr. Michael Carroll’s review explains the difference between an “intervention approach” to homelessness and a “shelter approach.”
Call on Congress to increase funding for HUD’s homeless assistance programs.
From the California Catholic Conference of Bishops:
California Physician – Assisted Suicide Bill Moves Forward - On Monday July 5th, SB 380 (Eggman - D, Stockton), the physician-assisted suicide expansion bill, passed out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee on a 6 - Yes, 2 - No, and 3 - Abstain vote. Although the bill was voted through, it is noteworthy that our efforts are raising enough questions that several lawmakers decided to abstain from voting on the bill. SB 380 now heads to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. We are doing all we can to defeat this bill and, with your continued help, will continue to raise enough doubt that will hopefully defeat this bill once and for all. Stay tuned for additional ways to help. Please continue to call and write your Assembly Member to speak out against this bill.